
Condensed unsweetened milk, Condensed sweetened milk, Caramelized condensed sweetened milk, Condensed sweetened mil k with cocoa, UHT cream, UHT milk, UHT sweetened milk, Butter, Curd cheese, Skimmed milk powder, Whole milk powder.

Production of UHT milk, cream and flavoured milk, sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk, whole and skimmed milk powder, butter, quark and quark with jam or cocoa packed into various material (combined material cartons, plastic foils, cups, buckets and bag in boxes, aluminum tubes and tin cans). Beside own production, company has outsourced processes and/or products.

HACCP 2011
Management of a Food Hazard Analysis (HACCP) System for production of UHT milk, cream and flavoured milk, sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk, whole and skimmed milk powder, butter, quark and quark with jam or cocoa packed into various materials (combined material cartons, plastic foils, cups, buckets and bag-in-box, aluminium tubes and tin cans, combined PAP and PE bags, big bags.